Saturday 21 February 2009

FEAR (Oxford Cambridge Track and Field Competiton)

So today I was on my way to the library, but before I left the house I grabbed a bit of breakfast in the kitchen. I was chatting with Ciara when my housemate Ellaine popped into the kitchen for a quick "hello" and said she was going to practice for a track and field competition called FEAR. She said she was going to throw the discus and also the hammer for Oxford. I said casually, "Oh! That's neat, I use to throw discus!" Then she persuaded me to throw discus for the Oxford Varsity team that day! So I changed out of my chic library clothes and changed into my running shoes and headed off to the Varsity training area. Meanwhile, I was thinking in my head "I haven't thrown a discus since I was 14 years old! Perhaps this was a mistake..." But when I held the discus in my hand today, I thought "I can do this" and it WAS like riding a bike. I found that I slipped back into the old throwing maneuver with startling ease! I really enjoyed myself and even got some pointers from the coach. They want me to throw at the competition called FEAR next Saturday in London for the Oxford Team, but I remembered that Laura is coming to visit me in Oxford- and she is much much more important than a track and field competition- but I enjoyed myself nonetheless for those brief moments when I was reliving my middle school track and field experience!

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