Wednesday 4 February 2009

Christ Church

Last Friday I was meandering around campus after turning in an essay and I noticed that small pockets of people kept flowing through this magnificent iron gate. I had nothing to do so I decided to follow the next group of people into the "unknown". After passing through various courtyards and walking along somewhat stark and scary pathways I came upon a sign that read "Please Keep Off the Grass" and I knew at that moment that I had stumbled across Christ Church- one of the most famous colleges at Oxford.

I continued through the massive wooden doors and passed the traditionally dressed English Guardsmen to find myself swept along by a group of 40 or so teenage French students. There was no way to fight the tide so I just went along for the ride. We swept through Gothic Corridors and into the Chapel and back out into one of the many giant courtyards. It was a beautiful place but it was also felt hardened and cold.